October 2023 | Look to Adeptus for Science Based Supplements
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Look to Adeptus for Science Based Supplements

October 2023

Adeptus makes vitamins and supplements for equines. Their equine products aid or support digestion, soft tissue, recovery, skin and coat, weight gain and bloom, hooves, stamina, and sweating. Allay, their most popular product, is an antacid and calming formula designed to aid gastric ulcers. It helps to aid reducing and buffer acidity in the stomach, which helps aid and soothe ulcers. It contains magnesium and calcium and is a natural calming supplement. Allay does not test and contains no alfalfa or sugar. It contains licorice extract which is soothing to the GI tract and a hindgut prebiotic digestive aid.

Adeptus adheres to strict quality control measures in their manufacturing facilities, which are ISO 9001 and GMP certified. Only the highest quality ingredients are used. Adeptus products are formulated with principles of science-based nutrition, using no fad or filler ingredients. They use components that have scientific and/or clinical evidence of their nutritional benefits and provide the consumer with detailed label information to aid in the safe and effective use of their products. Consumers can be assured that the products meet the detailed label guarantees. All products are made in the USA, and are consistently produced to quality specifications, which ensure that they will be beneficial and effective.

Find Adeptus products online or visit https://www.adeptusnutrition.com/dealers/ to find Pyranha’s Adeptus retailer near you. Call 1-866-233-7887 for more information or assistance.